aka: man on the flying trapeze, trap invented: antiquity
Ah, the trapeze. Perhaps the most iconic string trick of them all. This used to be what separated the men from the boys, and on a wooden imperial-shaped yoyo, it still is. To land the yoyo on the string can be fiendishly difficult if one is not accustomed to the precision of motions involved.
In today's world of yoyos and yoyo tricks, however, it is only the beginning. Since the popularization of ball bearings, the widening of gaps, and the lessening of yoyo *finickiness, the trapeze has become but a footnote to the huge library of tricks built upon it. Now it is among the most basic of elements employed by the modern yoyoer.
For starters, by adding an extra layer around the axle, one reaches the *Oliver Twist mount. By rolling the whole thing over the index finger, one performs a Lindy loop. By bringing the string around blah blah blah et cetera