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Latest revision as of 15:07, 6 December 2013

aka: laceration combo/jade whip combo/follow combo

In the words of Tyler Severance:

What you are going to do, is pull the yoyo up and whip the string around in a circular motion. Direction doesn't matter. You then grab the string when its about 6-8 inches away from the yoyo. From there you whip it around in a motion in which I imagine how princess dianna's body was thrown around when those paparazzi chased her through that tunnel in Paris. You know which one I'm talking about. Hit it off your arms, legs, feet, maybe around your head like your wearing one of those retarded propeller hats, maybe around your butt like you have a tail, just make sure it's as ridiculous as possible. Remember kids, the more you look like you have down syndrome, the more points the judges will give you. Then land in a hook or brent stole. Brent stole is the one i shoot for because it falls and is much easier to catch compared to a hook which the yoyo has to be level at your hand to whip.

reference: http://www.yoyonation.com/talk/index.php/topic,41535.msg471556.html#msg471556

Notable practitioners: Paul Han, Eric Koloski, Tyler Severance